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Un-Christian Churches

Pastors and congregations who refuse to take a stand against sin, must necessarily deny Christ in the process—eventually. It seems harsh and mean—at face value—to not accept people living a sinful lifestyle, but when by their lives they show that the Spirit of Christ does not rule them, accepting sin means minimizing Christ’s sacrifice for […]

Christian News
Christian News
April 5, 2023

Redefining Inspiration: “Manuscripts and Composite Texts”

According to his bio, the author of this article, Rev. Alec Fisher, is an “adjunct language professor at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis.” Textual work with the manuscripts is necessary. However, it is a pre-theological task and should not be used to weaken God’s Word or doctrine. God’s Word is pure, even if we can’t […]

Christian News
Christian News
April 5, 2023

ELCA Bishop Eaton Issues Statement onAnti-Transgender Legislation

Denying that sinners can change gender/sex is not “attacking their humanity,” but rather affirming it as divinely created. We are not a chaotic, unformed, genderless mix, rather our members, and their function are holy—not to be discarded or called mistakes. Rather, transgenderism elevates and worships identity—the pure sinful thoughts of sinners. Our dignity does not […]

Christian News
Christian News
March 31, 2023

A Pastoral Response to President Harrison’s Statement on Recent Online Unchristian Teachings and Disturbing Ideologies

President Harrison recently made a public statement regarding the online behavior of certain individuals expressing “alt-right” ideologies. You may or may not know, but it is high election season in the LCMS. Nominations for president are coming to a close and elections are just around the corner (to be done online by every congregation) before […]

Christian News
Christian News
March 21, 2023

Abortion Supporter to speak at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis Multiethnic Symposium

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis has just announced the lineup for its “Multiethnic Symposium” to be held May 2-3, 2023 under the theme “Hope for the Church, Hope for the Future”. The announcement begins: “Generation is an important word in Scripture. Since the beginning, God has been creating and gathering for Himself a people whom He […]

Christian News
Christian News
March 21, 2023

Sleeping on a Bench

Barbara Marquart Johnson It was that time again. Our seminary professors were scheduled throughout the year to go to Russia, to our seminary there, to teach. It was Kurt’s turn, and as usual, he had a dozen things to wrap up before he could be gone. There had to be a student in charge of […]

Christian News
Christian News
February 15, 2023

Living in the Post-Christian World

Rev. Daniel Fleischer “Post-Christianity is the loss of the primacy of the Christian worldview in public affairs, especially in the Western world where Christianity had previously flourished, in favor of alternative worldviews such as secularism, nationalism, environmentalism and militant atheism amongst many other ideologies.” The above online definition of post-Christianity is more succinctly described by […]

Christian News
Christian News
February 15, 2023

The Sentimentality of Brutality

The unfortunate injury to Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlin became a singular conduit for the outpouring of much rich, sugary sympathy. While it was not a happy event, the lengths people went to speak of their care, support, and feeling went beyond what the situation required. How many knew this player before his injury or […]

Christian News
Christian News
February 7, 2023

Reflecting the Image of God

Rev. Daniel Fleischer On the 5th day God had created the fish of the sea, and the birds of the air. On the 6th day He created “’the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind’; and it was so” (Genesis 1:24). After the Triune […]

Christian News
Christian News
February 7, 2023

Old Snake Sheds His Skin… Again

John Kuhn Bleimaier The father of all lies has been with us from the beginning. John 8:44. He has been the bane of the human condition and perennially seeks to work us woe. Satan constantly appeals to humankind in different forms. At one point he is the bringer of light (lucifer) at another he is […]

Christian News
Christian News
February 7, 2023