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Transcript of LCMS Emeritus Rev. Steve Lee Being Questioned by an Officer outside Ruby Freeman’s Home

The transcription and any errors in it are my own. Rev. Lee is wearing a Roman clergy collar (photo above is from the police body cam footage) and introduces himself as a pastor right away. He admits his is not working solely on his own behalf, but declines to identify the “folks” with whom he […]

Christian News
Christian News
September 29, 2023

Fave of Evil

Evil cannot be explained away. It cannot be explained by rational or materialistic excuses. Yet, the same terror and horror Lucy Letby’s deeds evoke are carried out on a greater scale in abortion. Evil is a going against God, it is not a type or image—as in the movies. There is no human justice that […]

Christian News
Christian News
September 29, 2023

Whyis theKingCobraOver-Engineered?

Roger Kovaciny Sometimes there is a creature that creates problems for both creationists and evolutionists to explain. One such is the king cobra. You have seen cobras on television, but the king cobra is a whole different breed of cat: The king cobra is a large and powerful snake, averaging 3.6-4 m (12-13 feet) in […]

Christian News
Christian News
September 29, 2023

Before You Head Off to College This Fall:How to Identify Which Religion Your Religious University Is Actually Teaching

Rev Gregory P Schulz, DMin, PhD As I wrote in my published article, Woke Dysphoria at Concordia, the Wokeism at our LCMS Concordias is “a potent cocktail of Progressivism, Neo-Pragmatism, and Marxism.” https://christiannewsmissouri.com/2022/02/15/woke-dysphoria-at-concordia/ Just a few months ago The Federalist reported that the Woke Marxist apparatus remains in place at Concordia University Wisconsin. https://thefederalist.com/2023/02/23/professor-banned-for-calling-out-racism-at-christian-university-negotiates-his-return/ As […]

Christian News
Christian News
August 30, 2023

Snowflake Adoption

No one fully loves this idea described by the PR term of “snowflake adoption,” but this IVF procedure has been extolled by some as a godly option to deal with leftover frozen embryos that the original parents do not want. This initially sounds loving and very pro-life, but it has some deeper theological problems, not […]

Christian News
Christian News
August 30, 2023

2023 LCMS Synodical Convention Report

It was a privilege to serve as a voting delegate to the 2023 LCMS Convention in Milwaukee. There were 1,023 voting delegates, 160 delegates, 162 advisory representatives, and 150 special guests. The following were highlights of the week. The first highlight was that the vice-president and all the regional vice-presidents were reelected, though the rankings […]

Christian News
Christian News
August 30, 2023

Questions and Answers on Life, Children, and Marriage

Must I have children? No. God does not require it, nor does having children save from sins or get one closer to Christ as a good work. However, God has joined the blessing of children to marriage and to the marital act. No human has the authority to separate these things God has joined together […]

Christian News
Christian News
August 30, 2023

Social and Emotional Learning and the Christian School

ALLEN & JULIE QUIST Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is widely used in public schools and is now infiltrating private schools, including Christian schools. This article will examine the suitability of SEL in any school, and especially in Christian schools. But first we need to understand what SEL is. It is defined, at least in […]

Christian News
Christian News
May 10, 2023


Rev Gregory P Schulz, DMin, PhD Since our Lutheran universities have not publicly and unequivocally repudiated Woke Social Justice and DIE, you will want to contact your LCMS university to ask them about their stance on Title IX.  Do it for the sake of our daughters and granddaughters. Do it as a female athlete who […]

Christian News
Christian News
April 19, 2023

Rev. ST Williams: “Pro-life,” but Still Holds that not Being Able to Freely Murder the Unborn Harms the Poor

Dr. Egger, the President of the St. Louis Seminary, issued a statement on March 24th defending the invitation of Rev. ST Williams to the 2023 Multiethnic Symposium hosted at the seminary. It appeals to Pastor Williams’ July 13, 2022 “written clarification” on the Pacific Southwest District website in response to the LA Times article which […]

Christian News
Christian News
April 5, 2023