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Training to Win Righteousness

1 Cor. 9:16–27 We can learn a little bit from sports. Not a lot, since made-up games have no lasting meaning, but God inspired St. Paul to use the illustration of the athlete who competes to win. We are to be even more dedicated and focused in our goal to remain in the faith—though our […]

Christian News
Christian News
March 1, 2024

Enough Christians?

How many churches turn away visitors, saying: we have enough Christians for now? Not many, that would be to deny the salvation Christ won for the world. Forgiveness is based on Christ’s accomplished work—not the particular person or their past or their attitude. God’s family is never full. Heaven does not run out of room. […]

Christian News
Christian News
February 7, 2024

Understanding This Pope

Why does Pope Francis prefer to fly with S.A.S.? He thinks it stands for “South American Socialist.” For what it’s worth, I think Bergoglio is an antipope and that Benedict XVI was the legitimate one. Since when can the “Vicar of Christ” retire?* That may be why Bergoglio waited until Benedict was safely deceased to […]

Christian News
Christian News
February 7, 2024

Pray Rightly with Understanding

God gives us disciples many encouraging words about prayer. Teach us how. Luke 11:1 Pray without ceasing. 1 Thes. 5:17 Acts 6:4 Go to the mountain top to pray Mk 6:46 Mt 6:6 Always to pray and not lose heart Luke 18:1 If someone is Suffering? Let him pray. Jas 5:13 The Biggie! Matthew 6:7-8 […]

Christian News
Christian News
January 31, 2024

Formed and Fashioned by the Creator

Rev. Daniel Fleischer “…Be fruitful and multiply…” (Genesis 1:28). [It is the will and blessing of the Creator God that husband and wife populate the earth].  “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s […]

Christian News
Christian News
January 31, 2024

An Important Book to Read for LCMS’ Past and Future

Rediscovering the Issues Surrounding the 1974 Concordia Seminary Walkout, ed. Ken Schurb (CPH, 2023) This book is not a historical tome, but deals with the root theological issues that led to the division and seminary walkout—which still trouble the LCMS to this day. Some were dealt with in an outward way, and many were not […]

Christian News
Christian News
January 19, 2024

Mary was Not Always a Virgin: A Pastoral Argument

If not for tradition, and some questionable overly-saccharin sentiment, I doubt any reasonable person would read the Scriptures and think Mary was not a normally married woman after Jesus was conceived. The issue is not whether Mary had children. It is possible and still common to be a married person, having normal conjugal uniting, and […]

Christian News
Christian News
January 19, 2024

Free Speech

People enslaved to sin cannot be truly free, even in speaking. So, “free speech” to the world has become a free-for-all. It means saying whatever you want, no matter how hurtful, untruthful, or harmful. But that is an immoral way to define speech. Without the Lord’s freedom, which is from sin—not the permission to be […]

Christian News
Christian News
January 19, 2024

Externals and Christ

People who are not well-instructed always pay more attention to the externals. The empty, vapid entertainment focus of many churches is blatant and cannot be taken seriously. The separation of form and content is impossible, despite the efforts of many. The seriousness of the Gospel cannot be maintained with the frivolity and temporariness of the […]

Christian News
Christian News
October 24, 2023


John Kuhn Bleimaier Christendom: the most inclusive and most exclusive human social grouping. It is extraordinarily diverse, yet absolutely monolithic. Christendom includes individuals of every ethnicity and appearance. Yet it absolutely excludes the millions of people who do not recognize Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the sole pathway to eternal life. Christians: […]

Christian News
Christian News
September 29, 2023