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Banishing the Dismal Science

John Kuhn Bleimaier Economics has been called the dismal science. The reason is that this field is premised on the recognition that societal resources are finite. It is only a question of how the pie is divided. The sum total of possibilities is absolutely circumscribed. Other sciences hold out the possibility of discoveries which expand […]

Christian News
Christian News
April 3, 2024

A Critique of Lutherans for Racial Justice

This organization, advertised as “grass-roots,” is led by a few Northeastern U.S elitist pastors. Its ideas will not appeal to the uneducated, because it is Marxist and deeply ideological at it root. They desire an earthly justice that they must admit will never happen. But “justice” is akin to punishment and coercion—not forgiveness, which is […]

Christian News
Christian News
March 27, 2024

God is a Jealous God

God is a jealous God. But isn’t jealousy bad? When it is for what is not ours—we sin in wanting what the Lord has not given to us. That is something of which every sinner is guilt. But we should care about what is ours and is given to us—to guard and keep it safe. […]

Christian News
Christian News
March 27, 2024

‘The Great Dechurching’

From the orthodox, theological point of view the secular person is not less religious, but has distanced himself from the public proclamation of the Word and has become his own pastor (and church) most likely. If one’s desired expression of Christianity desired does not fit any existing church, it is faulty and quite personal. The […]

Christian News
Christian News
March 20, 2024

The Future of Concordia, Ann Arbor and all Concordias

Instead of treating CUAA as some sort of national treasure, every Concordia should be subjected to a critical assessment—does the school glorify the Lord Jesus and honor Him by correct doctrine and practice? Is a school producing orthodox Christians and servants of the church, or it is it merely aping the secular schools, at great […]

Christian News
Christian News
March 20, 2024

Learning From Cain and Abel

Martin Barlau There are some obvious lessons that we can learn from the story of Cain and Abel. But there are also some deeper and more profound lessons there for us. So let’s see what we can learn from Cain and Abel, to guide us in our life with God. “God IS love.” I John […]

Christian News
Christian News
March 13, 2024

The Father’s Pledge—Liberty and Justice for All

Rev. Daniel Fleischer I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. This pledge dates to 1892. It was first spoken in a school in October of that year. It was officially recognized by […]

Christian News
Christian News
March 13, 2024

Are Historical–Critical Methods of Biblical Interpretation Consistent with the Lutheran Use of Scripture?

Robert Preus 1. Definition of the TermThe most important theological issue facing our Synod today centers in the use of the historical-critical method. The question is:  May a genuine Lutheran who believes that the sacred Scriptures are the very Word of God and who is committed totally to the doctrine of the Lutheran Confessions use […]

Christian News
Christian News
March 6, 2024

What Does a Pastor Do When He Retires?

Roger Kovaciny I spent some sabbatical time in a theological library on Cape Cod. The most interesting thing I found was an unpublished dissertation on the subject of this essay. The holy ministry is a calling, but it is also a profession–much more than a job. But we should distinguish the Christian ministry from, say, […]

Christian News
Christian News
March 6, 2024

Fire of God’s Word: Dividing, Testing, and Proving

Pastor Andrew Preus It has been fifty years since February 19, 1974, the day the majority of the faculty and students of Concordia Seminary staged the famous walkout. It was a protest surrounding the suspension of Dr. John Tietjen from the presidency of the seminary. Almost all the faculty, with the exception of five, left […]

Christian News
Christian News
March 1, 2024