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Are You Critical?

Jonathan Rupprecht jhr12447@aol.com This question can mean two things. But here the question is not if you play an almost indispensable, “critical” role in a group of people who would have trouble functioning without you: family, church, job, team, etc. Rather it’s simply asking if you criticize a lot. But there too the question can […]

Christian News
Christian News
June 5, 2024

Text and Analysis of 2017 Document given to Concordia, St. Paul Employee

After prayerful consideration, we believe that it is our responsibility to review your job description with you. It has become apparent that your perception of your duties here at Concordia exceed the responsibilities for which you were hired. Your position xxxx is a staff position xxxx. It is also the responsibility of all staff members […]

Christian News
Christian News
May 30, 2024

Has Concordia University, St. Paul Been Woke Since at least 2017?

When a former student newspaper editor of Concordia University, St. Paul from the 1970s was interviewed in the March 2022 issue of that same newspaper, he stated that it looked to him as if Concordia had been transformed into a secular university.   This, of course, would not be unusual. After all, historically most colleges and […]

Christian News
Christian News
May 30, 2024

What Does the Ancient Church after the Time of the Apostles Say about the Inspiration of Holy Scripture?

The Question of Inspiration C. F. W. Walther’s Evening Lectures, 1885-1886 Translated by Dr. Thomas Manteufel, Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis, Missouri Presented to the Walther Round Table, 2005-2007 Lecture IX (February 12, 1886) [continued] Here we come first, of course, to the apostolic fathers, for they were the first church writers. We understand the apostolic […]

Christian News
Christian News
May 22, 2024

Hymn Explanation: “O Little Flock Fear not the Foe”

LSB 666 Dr. Arnold Burron Like many hymns, this hymn is one in which we are singing to each other. We are singing to encourage one another with Scripture. The first Scripture we find is Luke 12:32, in the title of this hymn. “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to […]

Christian News
Christian News
May 22, 2024

Article 14: Ecclesiastical Order

A Simple Explanation of the Articles of the Augsburg Confession Of Ecclesiastical Order they teach that no one should publicly teach in the Church or administer the Sacraments unless he be regularly called. This short article is highly controversial today. The LCMS officially has endorsed “lay ministers,” an oxymoron in the traditional Lutheran understanding of […]

Christian News
Christian News
May 1, 2024

Losing Lutheran Identity

Robert Preus I think that open communion is probably one of the ways in which we can lose our Lutheran identity quicker than any other bad practice. Let me explain. I remember the letter that Dr. [Ralph] Bohlmann (1932-2016) wrote. He talks about us being a church body that teaches the pure doctrine and that […]

Christian News
Christian News
April 22, 2024

Reflections on the St Louis Seminary Crisis of February 1974 by a 1974 Springfield Seminary Graduate

I am Ralph Woehrmann, no longer rostered, living with my wife, Cindy, in Taylorville, Illinois. We are members of Trinity Lutheran Church. I grew up in the Cleveland, Ohio area, having attended and graduated from St. Paul Lutheran School in Westlake, Ohio. My pastor in those years was the Rev. William John Single, a St. Louis Graduate who was […]

Christian News
Christian News
April 10, 2024

Losing Lutheran Identity

Robert Preus I think that open communion is probably one of the ways in which we can lose our Lutheran identity quicker than any other bad practice. Let me explain. I remember the letter that Dr. [Ralph] Bohlmann (1932-2016) wrote. He talks about us being a church body that teaches the pure doctrine and that […]

Christian News
Christian News
April 3, 2024

Banishing the Dismal Science

John Kuhn Bleimaier Economics has been called the dismal science. The reason is that this field is premised on the recognition that societal resources are finite. It is only a question of how the pie is divided. The sum total of possibilities is absolutely circumscribed. Other sciences hold out the possibility of discoveries which expand […]

Christian News
Christian News
April 3, 2024