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Contemplating a Presidential Proclamation Designating “Gluttony Month” & “Sloth Month”

John Kuhn Bleimaier In general, presidential proclamations are a cheap political gimmick. When the chief executive designates the first Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparents Day that is a cost-free public relations stunt which shoves up approval ratings and provides feel-good vibes to a select group. No harm done… right? However, a presidential proclamation […]

Christian News
Christian News
July 30, 2024

Post Republican National Convention Interview with Rev. Roemke

“A Benediction At The Republican National Convention – Pr. Jim Roemke” issuesetc.org Podcast 1983 – July 16, 2024 Rev. Roemke, an LCMS pastor, who did an impersonation of Trump and then had a prayer and benediction to open the Republican National Convention has been on Issues, etc. quite a few times, dating back to 2008, […]

Christian News
Christian News
July 24, 2024

Mental Health or Atrophy?

Mental health as a concept is used to justify not dealing with problems and also avoiding responsibilities—even divine ones like the vocation of being a husband, wife, or parent. But the mind is not like the body. The idea that not burdening the person with problems runs counter to how physical health is respected in […]

Christian News
Christian News
July 24, 2024

How about posting the Ten Commandments in churches?

The answer is not outward—to post a physical copy to read, observe, or notice externally—no matter the location. We are to post them on our heart—not stone, paper, or cardboard: “Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart (Proverbs 3:3).” Only […]

Christian News
Christian News
July 16, 2024

Baptized in The Red Sea

Gary Ray Branscome branscome.org Brethren, I do not want you to be unaware of the fact that all of our fathers were… baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea. (1Corinthians 10:1-2) In the verse just quoted Paul is drawing a parallel between the deliverance of the children of Israel from the power […]

Christian News
Christian News
July 16, 2024

Progressivism: The Fire Sale Philosophy of Hardhearted Prodigals

Gregory P. Schulz Is the pope Catholic? That question used to provide a moment of tautological fellowship for all of us, but with one terse declaration from the current pope that good-humored moment has completely evaporated. In a recent network television interview Pope Francis declared to his American audience, “Conservatism is a suicidal attitude.”1 His […]

Christian News
Christian News
July 12, 2024

Hymn Explanation: Creator Spirit by Whose Aid

LSB 940 Dr. Arnold Burron A look at verse 4: Thou art King of glory, Christ:Son of God, yet born of Mary;For us sinners sacrificed,And to death a tributary:First to break the bars of death,Thou has opened Heaven to faith. One line in verse four of this hymn is challenging, simply because the translator needed […]

Christian News
Christian News
July 12, 2024

Retro or Retrograde

The argument that because something is old and dated it must be devalued by default is quite a flimsy one. Clothing, cars, and style must appeal to the past. Things made up out of thin air, if they even truly exist, are nonsensical. But the theological argument that appeals to newness and popularity is even […]

Christian News
Christian News
June 25, 2024

Redeemed, Restored, Forgiven

Rev. Daniel Fleischer Since the fall into sin, every generation has had to deal with sin and with evil. The struggle begins within the individual himself because all people are born in sin and under the wrath of the holy God. Who among you reading this put your children on your knee to instruct them […]

Christian News
Christian News
June 19, 2024

Are You Critical?

Jonathan Rupprecht jhr12447@aol.com This question can mean two things. But here the question is not if you play an almost indispensable, “critical” role in a group of people who would have trouble functioning without you: family, church, job, team, etc. Rather it’s simply asking if you criticize a lot. But there too the question can […]

Christian News
Christian News
June 5, 2024