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Book Review: The Ends of the LCMS: Reacting to the Diagnosis of Post-Christian America and Recovering

by Joseph Beran, 2023 This book bluntly deals with the difficulties of a shrinking and fading church body—in this case the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. The first three chapters deal explicitly with the multiple downward trends evident and do not pull any punches. It is hard to disagree with the diagnosis. The deficiencies of this work […]

Christian News
Christian News
September 11, 2024

Expectations for a Pastor?

Are the expectations for a Lutheran pastor too low? Some are arguing for pastoral training to be less rigorous and more convenient. But being a faithful pastor is anything but easy. Sheep are to not just to survive materially but seek the pure wisdom and knowledge of God, especially in a world of difficult circumstances. […]

Christian News
Christian News
September 4, 2024

God’s rule is inherently true and doesn’t require that we force it on anyone

The problem is that the unbeliever thinks of the government as the highest power—denying Christ’s superiority and higher kingdom over the believer’s mind and heart. If all is reduced to political kingdoms, the spiritual kingdom is minimized and made less important. That is a grave error in our political season—thinking civil laws matter more than […]

Christian News
Christian News
August 28, 2024

Trichotomy or Dichotomy: Some Considerations

Thomas Garrett Isham According to the customary formula, the Holy Trinity is Three in One and One in Three. Church-goers are well acquainted with this doctrinal shorthand. They are less familiar with a second three-fold formula, one that can be called the Trinity of Man or–in my words–Triadic Anthropology. In this second formula, I refer […]

Christian News
Christian News
August 28, 2024

Review of Against Psychotherapy – For the Bible

Against Psychotherapy – For the Bible by Martin and Deidre Bobgan, Eastgate, 2024 This book is straightforward and the culmination of decades of research by the Bobgans, who have co-authored 26 books in total. It does not mince words and provides a clear, biblical admonition to see psychotherapy for what it is in precise scriptural […]

Christian News
Christian News
August 20, 2024

“Unity!” – Huh?

Jonathan Rupprecht I don’t know about you, but I’m getting more and more tired of hearing all these calls for “Unity!” floating around. Republicans are praised for achieving new unity; Democrats are cautioned about their new need for unity; America definitely needs more unity to patch up our “deeply divided” country. And oh yes, we […]

Christian News
Christian News
August 14, 2024

RNC official blames ‘hateful, antisemitic people’ for response to Sikh prayer

The claim that all religions worship the same God is somewhat more acceptable in a false religion, but not in Christianity. There is only one God, but the incompatible names, doctrines, and ways taught to please Him are at odds. Only Jesus, God’s only begotten Son, reveals the grace and mercy of God fully. All […]

Christian News
Christian News
August 14, 2024

God gives us a great blessing today!

Pastor Elder McCants Holy Cross Lutheran Church San Antonio, TX In Number 6:24-26, you and I have a great blessing from God to help us through this day, and every day, we face life with all of its challenges and difficulties. God said to Moses, “Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is how you are […]

Christian News
Christian News
August 14, 2024

Gospel Reductionism

Rev. Micheal Strong What does that fancy phrase mean and why should I care? It isn’t a common term. Many people within my church body, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, and most people outside of the LC—MS have never heard it. But it expresses a teaching that is contrary to the orthodox Christian faith. The “Christian […]

Christian News
Christian News
August 7, 2024

Emulate The Cloud Of Witnesses

Rev. Daniel Fleischer Parents have long ago passed from time to eternity. The house in which I was born is gone. Another in which I lived is now replaced by a parking lot. The high school from which I graduated no longer exists. I cannot go home again. I can dream, but not recapture the […]

Christian News
Christian News
August 7, 2024