ThessaloniansAuthor: David P. KuskeWhen he left the Thessalonians to share the gospel elsewhere, the apostle Paul feared that these Christians would be overwhelmed by false teachers, persecution, and temptations. He wrote two letters to encourage
Hosea-Joel-Amos Author: Paul E. EickmannGod sent Hosea to remind Israel of the deep and faithful love of God for his unfaithful people. Joel issued his call to repentance during a plague of locusts and reminded God's people of the coming Messiah.
The Lord Told Me I Think by Don MatzatWith a keen sensitivity to both the Bible and the Holy Spirit, Don Matzat shares about the fascinating ways God can speak to your heart and direct your paths. You’ll become excited as you see how God can work in
The Anonymous God by David L. Adams and Ken SchurbCivil religion is a unifying nationalism that uses religious means and words to promote national values and patriotism. For example, our money says "In God We Trust." The pledge of allegiance reads
The Love of Christ Proclaim - Cassette TapeVocalChuck Thiel and His Jolly Ramblers sing hymns such as Lamb of God, Lift High the Cross, What a Friend We Have in Jesus, and many more!
Hark the Glad Sound Compact DiscA Collection of Hymns for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany with soprano vocals by Kathryn M. Peperkorn such as Away in the Manger, God Loves Me Dearly, O God of God O Light of Light, and many more!
ActsAuthor: Richard D. BalgeLuke wrote Acts as a continuation of his gospel. In this book Luke recorded the growth of the early church after Jesus ascended to heaven. The first part of the book records the growth of the church in and around Jerusalem.