Time and again, preachers burst onto the scene, attracting attention and followers with what they claim are new insights into Scripture and new powers from God, only to be exposed as being not only unoriginal but false.
Benny Hinn, founder of Orlando Christian Center (later known as the World Outreach Center) in Florida, is the most prominent example of this phenomenon. Hinn, whose charismatic church at one time numbered weekly attendance at 10,000 and whose televised services and crusades reach a potential audience of nearly 100 million homes in the United States and Canada, epitomizes the kind of histrionics, emotionalism, and hysteria that can bring reproach to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Even more damaging to his claim of “revelation” from God is the confusion which abounds in the statements and stories of preacher Benny Hinn. His propensity for exaggeration, embroidery, and myth making is well documented within his many public statements and writings.