During this century, Christians have been told over and over that "God has anunconditional love for Old Testament Israel," by which is meant that God's love isdirected toward persons racially descended from Abraham, regardless of faith orobedience. Membership in Israel, therefore, is viewed as a matter of race, not faith."The Church is Israel Now" demonstrates that the Holy Bible totally repudiates thisracialist viewpoint. Being a member of Israel in the Old Testament was dependentupon faith and obedience to God. When the Israelites obeyed God, God loved them.But when the Israelites turned from Him, He hated them, stripping them of theirIsraelite status. After centuries of Israelite rebellion against God, culminating in theirrejection of Jesus the Messiah, the titles, attributes and blessings of Israel weretransferred to all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and to no one else,regardless of Abrahamic descent. The Church is Israel Now.