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Vol VII - Marquart's Works - Worship and Liturgy
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Some of the articles in Vol. VII include:
"O Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness - Why We Go To Church"
"Our Epiphany Challenge"
"Devotional Reading for Lent"
"The Meaningful Use of the Means of Grace as the Source of Spiritual Life Liturgical Commonplaces"
"Luther's Theology of the Cross"
"The Sacrament an Easter Affair"
"How to Give Up the Confessions without Seeming To"
"The Lord's Supper"
"Unreal Language about the Real Presence"
"Turbulence and Division"
"What Does Baptism Mean For Daily Living?"
"Regular Prayer and the Ministry Professor Marquart Discusses Liturgy from Confessional Viewpoint"
"Liturgy and Evangelism"
"Gold, Silver, and Bronze and Closed Communion"
"Lutheran Worship and the Golden Middle"
"Contemporary Services"
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