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Vol IV - Marquart's Works - Apologetics
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: 2510006730
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Some of the essays included are:
"The Case Against Evolution"
"Evolution: Some Serious Theoretical Flaws"
"From Paley To Darwin"
"Evolution Coming In The LCMS"
"Dr. Kurt Marquart Presentation 'Evolution As Voodoo'"
"The Trees, The Forest, And Professor Huber"
"Christianity And Freemasonry"
"From Luther To Kierkegaard"
"Marquart On Francis Schaeffer"
"Sanctifying An Unholy Cause"
"Marquart: St. Louis Seminary Lost Case Vs. Otten"
"First Amendment Immunity"
"LLL Leaders Select Weisheit To Be Banquet Speaker"
"Stop CPH From Publishing Pro-Abortion Book"
"Killing With Kindness"
"Kurt Marquart Answers Wayne Saffen"
"Marquart Letter In October Reporter"
"Kieschnick vs. Marquart"
"Kurt Marquart For President/Kurt In Africa"
"Jesus First Responds To Crisis At The Crossroads Video"
"The Question Of Procedure In Theological Controversies"
"Grave Misgivings - Woman's Suffrage In The Church"
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